
USAID Development Outreach Coordinator Training


Video produced by USAID DOC trainees during a 1 week field seminar.


producer, curriculum development, media training

USAID Development Outreach Coordinator's (DOC) Training

An experimental pilot program to train USAID 'DOCs' in a full range of pre-, production, and post-, as well as storytelling and narrative, media strategy, and intercultural communications, held over one week in Accra and Tamale, Ghana - during the annual USAID DOC global retreat.

I worked with USAID communications personnel in Washington to develop a new training curriculum to enable DOCs serving around the world - many of whom are local citizens employed in a USAID mission - to produce high-quality media and storytelling material.  This included everything from lessons in scriptwriting (and identifying necessary concessions to intercultural communications at this early stage), to storyboarding, cinematography, logistical coordination, interviewing technique, field audio recording, and postproduction processes such as editing, graphics, soundmixing, color correction, and finishing.  The seminar was conducted in a weeklong intensive while on location in Northern Ghana, using an active agricultural technology project as a model for finding and conveying the story within a complex, multisector development intervention. 

The full report on the training can be found here.
