
Media Production for Exhibition, Education, Installation


Video (no sound) produced for the National Academies of Science main lobby celebrating the anniversary of the Keck Telescope in Hawaii. Produced with original aerial and timelapse footage.



Media Production for Exhibition and Education

Working with exhibition designers, I produce original media content for unique contexts, translating complex educational, scientific, or historical content into unique experiential media.  This involves collaboration in theater and exhibition design, and producing (coordinating, acquiring, sequencing, finishing, installing) context-specific media projects from films to projections to sound installations.

Clients served include the National Academies of Science, American Museum of Natural History, New-York Historical Society, and the Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum.  

Additional documentation here and here.

National Academies of Science

National Academies of Science

Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, "Heroic Journeys" - an original 24-channel immersive audio experience, made by conducting and combining dozens of interviews with Purple Heart recipients from WWII to Afghanistan, and developing a unique soundscap…

Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, "Heroic Journeys" - an original 24-channel immersive audio experience, made by conducting and combining dozens of interviews with Purple Heart recipients from WWII to Afghanistan, and developing a unique soundscape theater within the exhibition hall aboard the aircraft carrier-turned-museum.

Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, "Heroic Journeys" - a multichannel video theater comprised of original interviews with Purple Heart recipients.

Intrepid Sea Air Space Museum, "Heroic Journeys" - a multichannel video theater comprised of original interviews with Purple Heart recipients.
